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Location: Aileu, Timor-Leste

I'm an aid worker, trying to do my little bit to leave the world a better place than I found it. This blog sporadically tracks my adventures in various countries, as I try to play my part is the massive venture to Make Poverty History.

Friday, 16 June 2006

Use by date???

I just actually looked at my blog, which I don't do that often - I normally just post, refresh and then close. And I noticed how blinking out of date it is - it give the weather in Manila, for crying out loud. And all the links are for Manila blogs - I bet half of these aren't being maintained any more (presumably not the AYAD ones anyway!)
Okay - so I need to spend some quality time doing blog maintenance. But you know what - not going to happen today! Today is Friday and I am going back home to enjoy my day off. Prison Break - here I come!
I commit myself to do that, at some stage though. But given my current workload, I am not putting a timeframe on it.
Plus - do you think the weather pixie even covers Afghanistan?


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