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Location: Aileu, Timor-Leste

I'm an aid worker, trying to do my little bit to leave the world a better place than I found it. This blog sporadically tracks my adventures in various countries, as I try to play my part is the massive venture to Make Poverty History.

Thursday, 4 August 2005

Trying something out

I am trying to make my blog prettier and cooler with stuff that Emily has told me about, and this is one of the thingamijigs - just let me experiment for now. Ultimately I hope that this will be a box you can fill in so that my posts can be emailed to you, if you want. But I am struggling a bit with this thing - the instructions say post in anywhere on my blog. But this is the only place I can see that I can post it. Think I might have to bribe Em to help me this weekend (*frustrated face*)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need another less than sign in front of the address

Thu Aug 04, 03:52:00 pm  

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