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Location: Aileu, Timor-Leste

I'm an aid worker, trying to do my little bit to leave the world a better place than I found it. This blog sporadically tracks my adventures in various countries, as I try to play my part is the massive venture to Make Poverty History.

Tuesday 30 October 2007

Take a Picture

So - I am exhausted and cannot be bothered really writing anything right now - I am still out coordinating the flood response - six weeks and counting - fourteen hours a day, seven days a week, and longing for some time off. So instead - I offer you pics... (okay - they seem to be taking forever to load, so I may not offer you very many pics - perhaps slow and steady may be the key with this picspam...
A hut that collapsed after flooding:
Someone get my message in a bottle?

The only access road left into Soroti

The disaster that is Agu Bridge

This used to be completely dry - now there is at least a metre of water above ground

Child collecting water - really speaks for itself

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